
IX Riópar Tapas Festival. From 22nd to 24th and from 29th to 31st July.

Thursday, 21 de July 2022
  • IX Riópar Tapas Festival. From 22nd to 24th and from 29th to 31st July.
  • IX Riópar Tapas Festival. From 22nd to 24th and from 29th to 31st July.
  • IX Riópar Tapas Festival. From 22nd to 24th and from 29th to 31st July.

They are organised by the Provincial Association of Hotel and Tourism Businesses of Albacete, in collaboration with the Riópar Town Council.

The prices of the tapas are free, although in no case may they exceed 2.50 euros including VAT per tapa or half-portion excluding drinks. There is also the possibility of combining a tapa with a drink (a glass of beer, a glass of house wine or a small glass of water) at a single price of 3.50 euros including VAT.

Once the 6 boxes have been stamped by at least 3 different establishments (1 per tapa), the passport can be deposited or sent to the APEHT at C/Mariana Pineda , N28 in Albacete, as well as in the participating establishments; and will be entered into a draw for 5 gift vouchers of 30€ each to be exchanged for tastings in any of the participating establishments.

The deadline for collecting passports will be 15 days from the end of the event.

All prizes will expire on 31 October 2022. 


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